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Mine Action Cannot Wait - Get Involved

What now?


We can all do something to make this a better world. We are not powerless. We have a voice, a pen, an email account, a bank account, or an expertise, or all of the above. This page gives some information about how anyone can be involved. It is not exhaustive and will be updated throughout the exhibition. If you have suggestions, please send them to us through the Contact Us page on the UNMAS.org website.



The HALO Trust


Landmines are still killing or injuring thousands of people every year. We need your help so we can save more lives and help more families get back on their feet after conflict.

Why not take on a fundraising challenge, donate your birthday or become a corporate partner? Whatever you choose to do, you will be helping some of the poorest communities in the world get back on their feet. After all, making land safe is only the beginning—the essential first step so that families can rebuild their lives.

We launched the #HALOSafeSteps campaign so that you could get involved and help make SAFE STEPS for families living with landmines.

US Citizens: Ask Your Senator to sign the Van Hollen-Young Demining Letter.

The Mines Advisory Group (MAG)

Whether you want to run a marathon, host a cake sale or get your community group involved, you can make a difference to the lives of people affected by conflict.


Humanity & Inclusion

Bombing civilians is not war, it's a crime! Join our fight against the bombing of civilians by signing our international petition.

Every gift to Humanity & Inclusion makes a real difference—by protecting civilians from the destruction of explosive weapons, and coming to the aid of people who need and deserve rehabilitation. Make a donation here. 

Legacy of War

Make a donation! Here's what your donation could provide: 

  • £5/$7 buys solar lights to helps families in Ukraine during frequent power outages
  • £25/$30 could provide farm equipment for one of the women on our Land for Women cooperatives (including watering-can, hoe, spade and secateurs)
  • £35/$45 provides enough seeds to plant an acre of land in Rwanda, growing vegetables for family meals and surplus crops to sell at the market
  • £80/$90 covers fuel for our ambulance to evacuate a family from recently liberated areas of Ukraine
  • £100/$120 would support a vulnerable refugee family in Lebanon for a week, allowing them to live in safety and dignity. It would mean the family has housing, food, bills and the children are in school
  • £200/$250 means we could provide culturally sensitive therapeutic sessions, including support with gender-based violence, HIV, trauma counselling and PTSD
  • £350/$440 could support an acre of land in Rwanda from seed to harvest, yielding marketable produce worth over three times the value.

Legacies of War

In 2020, Legacies of War’s operating budget was approximately $300,000. Through dedicated work, the team was able to transform this investment by donors into $45 million worth of U.S. government funding specifically earmarked for the removal of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in Laos and victims assistance. Understanding this pipeline is important for donors - it helps the community of Legacies supporters more clearly see how their contributions make a difference on the ground in Laos.

Norwegian People's Aid

The Norwegian People's Aid's first demining operations took place in Cambodia in 1992. Today, NPA covers the full life-cycle of weapons and ammunitions – with interventions to protect civilians before, during and after conflict. Since 1992, we have removed more than 2 million anti-personnel landmines and explosive remnants of war in 40 countries, freeing 1 billion square metres of land for productive use. Parallel to clearing landmines and explosives, NPA has taken a forward-leading role in civil society's push for states to negotiate, adopt, adhere to, and implement international weapons treaties such as the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Treaty (MBT), the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) and the Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons (TPNW).

International Campaign to Ban Landmines

You can help build a world free of landmines and cluster munitions! By giving to ICBL-CMC you can take part in the global movement to end the devastation these banned weapons continue to wreak upon individuals and communities all over the world. Donate Now! Help ICBL-CMC in working for a world free of landmines and cluster munitions and to provide support for victims. 

Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is the civil society initiative providing research for the ICBL-CMC. It has reported on the global landmine and cluster munition problems and solutions since 1999 and 2010 respectively. Learn more.


Key Partners in the 2023 Symposium and exhibit



The German Federal Foreign Office

The German Federal Foreign Office works closely with the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) to support their efforts in ensuring the safe removal of landmines and other explosive remnants of war around the world. This collaboration involves financial support, technical assistance, and political advocacy to raise awareness and mobilize resources for the UNMAS mission. The German government recognizes the devastating impact of landmines on communities and has committed to providing both financial and technical support to UNMAS. By working together, the German Foreign Federal Office and UNMAS are making significant progress towards a safer and more secure world, free from the threat of landmines and other explosive hazards.


The United States

The United States is a leading contributor to the global effort to reduce the threat of landmines and other explosive remnants of war, and has been a key partner of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) since its inception. The US government provides financial assistance to UNMAS and other mine action organizations, and also deploys its own experts to work alongside UNMAS teams in the field. In addition to funding demining operations, the US government has also developed innovative technologies and techniques to detect and clear landmines, which are shared with UNMAS and other partners. The United States has also been a vocal advocate for international treaties and agreements that prohibit the use of landmines and encourage the destruction of existing stockpiles. By working closely with UNMAS and other partners, the United States is making a significant contribution to the global effort to rid the world of landmines and ensure the safety of communities affected by the legacy of conflict.