Welcome to the United Nations

Central African Republic

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UNMAS in CAR contributes to the explosive ordnance threat mitigation and response efforts and continues to reinforce the capacity of the national authorities in weapons and ammunition management (WAM) in line with the MINUSCA’s strategic objective “to advance a multiyear strategic vision to create the political, security and institutional conditions conducive to national reconciliation and durable peace through implementation of the APPR and the elimination of the threat posed by armed groups through a comprehensive approach and proactive and robust posture without prejudice to the basic principles of peacekeeping” (Security Council Resolution (SCR) 2659 (2022)).


2022/23 financial year - (1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022)


  • To support the response to the increased threat posed by the use of Explosive Ordnance (EO) in the country,18 awareness sessions took place for the benefit of 260 members, 194 men and 65 women, from different UN Agencies and NGOs to better assess and limit the risks related to EO during their field missions, as well as 154 EO risk education (EORE) sessions to the population in Bouar and Bambari areas.


  • Fifteen Explosive Ordnance Threat (EOT) awareness sessions were given to 428 members, including 387 men and 41women of the Force Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs).


  • 15 members of the battalions’ TCCs received Search and Detect (S&D) training and mentoring following the first sessions of the training cycle in Bossangoa, Berberati and Bouar.


  • 147 Quality Assurance visits of weapons and ammunition storage facilities were conducted in Bangui in coordination with UNPOL and the national authorities.


  • Four training sessions on weapons and ammunition management (WAM) were given to 37 members of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) and Internal Security Forces (ISF).


  • Four meetings were held with the national authorities to support the creation of a national mine action authority.


Since 2014, UNMAS in CAR has carried out the destruction of 247,132 explosive items, including 194 tons of commercial explosives and over 2.4 million items of ammunition. Additionally, 2,730 non-functional or obsolete weapons collected by MINUSCA and 337 collected under the Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Resettlement (DDRR) National Programme have been destroyed.




Since its deployment in the country, the programme undertook the construction/rehabilitation of 56 armories and deployed 14 temporary storage kits for the FACA. 8 types of WAM training were conducted for a total of 430 members of the national defense and security forces to this date. Moreover, UNMAS has organized awareness sessions for the discovery of suspicious packages to 94 civil aviation and airport security personnel and provided risk education sessions on threats posed by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) to 606,592 beneficiaries.


The illicit flow of weapons and ammunition undermines the stability and the rule of law in CAR, which slows down progress towards the Restoration and Extension of State Authority (RESA). The quasi-inexistent weapons and ammunition storage facilities available to the national defense and security forces in some areas of the country, the lack of implementation of best practices in WAM as well as the volatile security situation threaten the lives of civilians and opportunities for development.


Weapons and Ammunition Management

UNMAS strengthens national capacities to enable the CAR authorities to build a professional and permanent national expertise in WAM in the country. The development of a national capacity in WAM contributes to risk mitigation of theft, looting, access and use of weapons and ammunition outside the official duty; or accidents related to explosions of ammunition stored in poor conditions. In addition, the support provided by UNMAS towards the development of operational capacities of the national defense and security forces in the field of weapons and ammunition destruction contributes to the reduction of their illicit circulation and improves security in CAR. UNMAS is also supporting the implementation of the national action plan of the country to fight against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

Explosive Ordnance Threat Mitigation

To protect civilians in response to the EO threat, UNMAS provides awareness sessions to UN personnel and humanitarian actors on the risks associated with EO, as well as EORE sessions to the population in the west and center of the country.

Support to the Force to Respond and Mitigate the Explosive Ordnance Threat (EOT)

To support the response and the mitigation of the EO threat, UNMAS supports the enhancement of the MINUSCA Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) capacity through the provision of technical expertise, EOT awareness training, Search and Detect training and mentoring as well as technical expertise for the realization of Post-Blast Investigation.




UNMAS, as the Mine Action section of MINUSCA, is yearly budgeted to support the implementation of the Mission mandate on the protection of civilians, the security sector reform and the Restoration and Extension of State Authority.


Data as of January 2023