Since 1989, about 45,000 Afghan civilians have been recorded to have been killed or injured by landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) averaging to around 110 people per month. Improvised mines (IM) and ERW from armed clashes caused nearly 99 percent of the casualties recorded in 2023. In the same year, more than 89% percent of the ERW casualties were children.
Humanitarian mine action partners in Afghanistan have cleared more than 14 million items of ERW, some 759,310 anti-personnel (AP) mines, some 33,772 anti-vehicle (AV) mines, and some 9,451 Abandoned Improvised Mines since 1989. A total of 34,918 hazardous areas have been cleared or otherwise canceled since 1989. This represents over 3,800 square kilometers of land released for productive use to 3,300 gazetteer communities.
Some 5,035 identified hazards remain, representing nearly 1,247 km2 of land, threatening about 1,704 communities, impeding safe movement of civilians and humanitarians, reducing safe access to socio-economic opportunities and impeding development.
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) has reached 10.2 million beneficiaries (1.57 million women, 1.83 million men, 2.7 million girls and 4.12 million boys) since the start of the program.
The Mine Action Programme of Afghanistan (MAPA) was established in 1989. In 2012, the Afghan Directorate for Mine Action Coordination (DMAC) began to execute aspects of the programme management of the MAPA in direct collaboration with UNMAS and obtained ownership on 1 June 2018 after progressive transition when DMAC absorbed all Afghan technical mine action personnel previously employed by UNMAS. At the request of the former Afghan Government, UNMAS stayed to provide continued technical support. After August 2021 the DMAC was no longer able to carry out the daily coordination of mine action operations. In the absence of a strong coordination function, the operations of MAPA were at risk of failing to address humanitarian priorities, duplication of effort, lack of adherence to safety standards and IMAS, and inability to record clearance and issue land release certificates. UNMAS continued to support the coordination of the humanitarian mine action sector through the provision of technical assistance to DMAC by directly contracting technical consultants, and from October 2023, through the setting up of the UNMAS-led Mine Action Technical Cell .
The UN Security Council Resolution 2626 (2022) adopted on 17 March 2022, and renewed in 2024, mandates the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), in the para 5 (j), to “support, within its mandate, existing mechanisms to improve the overall security situation in Afghanistan, provide assessments of the explosive ordnance threat and its impact on civilians, including children, advise and coordinate explosive ordnance threat mitigation measures in support of humanitarian and development initiatives, support the coordination of the humanitarian mine action sector…”. This part of the UNAMA mandate is implemented by UNMAS Afghanistan, and integration of UNMAS Afghanistan into UNAMA has been initiated.
In line with the changed operational context and mine action role in UNAMA, UNMAS Afghanistan renewed its Programme Strategy for the implementation of the Mission mandate and is in alignment with the UNAMA strategy.
Contribution to the creation of peace and stability in Afghanistan
UNMAS provides explosive ordnance threat assessment to UNAMA including developing and sharing information management products; advises and coordinates mitigating measures - such as survey and clearance, explosive ordnance disposal, and risk education that are bilaterally funded by donors to humanitarian mine action organizations - against explosive ordnance threat, as a Mission component.
Contribution to economic and social conditions for stability
UNMAS supports the coordination of the humanitarian mine action sector. Since October 2023, the UNMAS-led Mine Action Technical Cell has been carrying out successfully essential coordination functions including planning and prioritization, quality management, and information management, which backstopped impactful humanitarian mine action operations in the country, ensuring humanitarian prioritization of mine action, and facilitating overall humanitarian response.
Concurrently, UNMAS continued advocacy efforts for the importance of continuous support to mine action activities in particular through bilaterally funding, ensuring that mine action needs are well represented under multiple UN documents and engagement platforms. UNMAS as the lead of the Mine Action Sub-Cluster (MASC) in the country under the Mine Action Area of Responsibility (MA AoR) of the Global Protection Cluster, collaborated closely with other UN agencies and humanitarian organizations in the areas of planning, prioritization, information sharing, and operations, to support humanitarian delivery and access to essential services with a greater synergy.
IMSMA data indicates that explosive hazards are blocking approximately of agricultural land, of grazing areas, of housing areas and public facilities,and of irrigation canals and roads. Furthermore, there are 475 educational facilities and 230 health facilities across Afghanistan located within 1 km of hazardous areas.
Mine Action is among the severely underfunded sectors in Afghanistan, with several donors having either stopped or significantly reduced their contributions. There are 6 national implementing partners with 30 years of experience in mine action. These organizations are on the verge of closing in 2024 as they were mostly dependent on the UNMAS and UNOPS supported mine action interventions.
MAPA workforce: There has been an 80% decline in the size of the MAPA workforce since 2011 when the program received its highest funding and employed more than 14,900 people. Currently, only 3,047 people are employed under MAPA. Despite mine action services having more access than any time in recent history, the sector has suffered a 40% reduction in the number of operational teams in recent years.
Starting from November 2022, UNMAS receives funding support from UNAMA as a Mission component, in addition to receiving voluntary contributions from institutional donors. UNMAS thanks the following donors for their generous support in 2023: Denmark, Germany, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and the UN Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF).
For more information, please contact: Mr. Nicholas Pond Mine Action Programme in Afghanistan, UNMAS also thanks the following donors for continued bilateral support to the MAPA: The United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), European Union (EU) Japan, Finland, Denmark, Norway, PATRIP, AHF, and Slovenia., M: +93 73 074 5115
Data as of April 2024